European Research Institute of Catalysis A.I.S.B.L.
The “European Research Institute of Catalysis A.I.S.B.L.”, abbreviated “ERIC”, is an international nonprofit
association (Virtual Institute) with legal personality (registered in the Belgian 'Crossroad Bank for
Enterprises') gathering together 15 major European Institutions with large interest on catalysis related
activities. The registered office is in Brussels (Belgium), while the Operational Office is in Firenze (Italy).
The purpose of the Association is to foster excellence of its Members in the field of catalysis, by
facilitating their integration at research, training and educational levels. ERIC a.i.s.b.l. is the Durable
Integration Structure (DIS) created from the Network of Excellence IDECAT (NMP3-CT-2005-011730).
ERIC is currently involved in private and public research projects, including various European projects.
and operates through the R&D members where the research activities are carried out in virtue of an
agreement between ERIC aisbl and that Institution. The research unit (RU) involved in this project is
CASPE (Laboratory of catalysis for sustainable energy) located at the Dept. of Electronic Eng.,
Chemistry and Industrial Eng of the University of Messina, Italy, one of the ERIC partners. This group is
lead from Siglinda PERATHONER in collaboration with prof. Gabriele CENTI. The research
activities and technological development (RTD) related to this project will be made in this RU located at
the Univ. of Messina and declared as ERIC activities in virtue of the agreement with the Univ. of Messina.
In addition with the personnel of this RE, ERIC personnel will be also involved in RTD and
OTHER activities.
ERIC/CASPE will be involved in the optimal catalyst design (including some necessary screening catalytic
tests) to develop tailored structured catalysts on ceramic foams for the application of CO2
methanisation. The developed catalysts will be investigated by POLITO in terms of kinetics of reaction,
applied by Sunfire in appropriate support structures and integrated by KIT in the methanisation